Think Big
Statewide Success
Owner of a successful statewide practice in a contributory negligence state and a historic ten-figure verdict, the Law Offices of James Scott Farrin had a solid existing web presence. Then, they partnered with Big Voodoo Interactive. For over six years, their efficient, BVI-managed website has delivered top search results in key terms and a dominant market share, leading to more, bigger cases and consistent growth on a significantly smaller budget.
"BIGGER and SMALLER at the same time... increased results, reduced cost!"

Atty. James Scott Farrin
Law Offices of James Scott Farrin
6 years with Big Voodoo Interactive
#1 In the Big Apple
As a workers' compensation firm in the most competitive media market in the country, Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano, LLP spent 24 months searching for the right online marketing partner. They chose Big Voodoo. Over the last three years, they've added five attorneys and four offices thanks to their position at the top of page 1 on Google and Big Voodoo's multi-platform integration - all without spending a cent on TV advertising.
"No other web firm is capable of yielding such significant and profitable growth as Big Voodoo."

Atty. Edgar N. Romano
Pasternack Tilker Ziegler Walsh Stanton & Romano, LLP
5 years with Big Voodoo Interactive
Houston, We Have a Solution
Competition is intense in Houston, the fourth-largest city in America. Many law firms with huge advertising budgets and unscrupulous SEO vendors vault to the top of Google now and again - only to get pushed back down when Google catches on. Meanwhile, Smith & Hassler has consistently been at or near the top for years - and thanks to Big Voodoo's SEO and pay-per-click advertising, they have a constant influx of strong cases coming in through the Web.
"I can tell you with one hundred percent confidence that Big Voodoo Interactive does SEO properly."

Atty. Daragh Carter
Smith & Hassler, Attorneys at Law
8 years with Big Voodoo Interactive
Middle Market, Big Results
Columbus, Ohio may not be the biggest market, but there's always intense competition for the best personal injury cases. Attorney Scott Elliot Smith - now winner of a historic $10.9 million verdict in a truck accident case - made the call that changed his career. His site is consistently on page 1 of Google and brings in more and bigger cases than ever before.
"Getting to page 1 of Google with a site that actually brings in more and bigger cases than I have ever been exposed to has transformed my law firm entirely."

Atty. Scott Elliot Smith
Smith Law Office
3 years with Big Voodoo Interactive